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Financial support from individuals, corporations, foundations, and agencies is critically important in order for PFD to undertake educational , outreach and advocacy programs throughout Delaware. Thank you!
Set it and forget it with monthly recurring gifts that will sustain PFD's good works! Consider becoming a monthly contributor with a gift of as little as $10/month (you reserve the right to cancel at any time). To set up your monthly gift online, click below and select "show my support by making this a monthly donation.” As a PFD Sustainer, your monthly donation goes further because we know we can count on your support.
Through Plastic Free Delaware's investment account at Vanguard.
Account 19980820
DTC #0062
Corporate, agency and nonprofit partner support enables the YES! Summit to be free to all interested Delaware high school students - in February 2024 more than 500 Delaware students! Sponsors can also exhibit at the Summit.
Plastic Free Delaware is a registered nonprofit with Benevity, a corporate platform for employee giving and matching gifts. Check with your employer to learn if they are enrolled with Benevity for employee charitable giving.
Corporate and agency support is key to making the Black Friday OptOutside 5K Run/Walk a great day for all and build support for our
year-round programs!
The RoundUp App lets you donate the spare change from your everyday purchases to Plastic Free Delaware at the end of each month.
Get started today!
It's here! Check out the new Zero Waste First State Specialty License Plate!
This attractive new plate embodies PFD's mission and important messaging, and makes the connection to the need to reduce plastic pollution to keep our waterways clean and the animals who live in marine environments safe.
Proceeds from this plate come back to PFD to support educational programs and outreach.
Let your federal, state and local officials know that you care about action on this issue.
Give just a couple of hours, or dive into a longer term project, from reusable bag giveaways, to tabling at festivals, to being part of our speakers bureau or school programs, or organizing special events, let us know your interests and skills.
Download PDFChecks may be sent in using the form above,
or processed online at the button below:
Plastic Free Delaware - making a difference locally, doing Delaware's part globally.
Copyright © 2025 Plastic Free Delaware - All Rights Reserved
Plastic Free Delaware is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN #85-2916447
Non-discrimination Statement:
Plastic Free Delaware does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin,
disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.